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How to Create a Successful Amazon Review Plan

Although it is common knowledge that Amazon reviews are significant, novice sellers are frequently unaware of their true significance. Rev...

Amazon Review Plan

Although it is common knowledge that Amazon reviews are significant, novice sellers are frequently unaware of their true significance. Reviews have an impact on more than just your bottom line; they also have an impact on your product's visibility, bestseller ranking, and inventory management, to mention a few. Their social evidence is also crucial in such a congested market.


Reviews are important in this business, for better or worse. Without them, it is essentially difficult to have a successful product.


Having said that, it's one thing to acknowledge the need for reviews and quite another to actually go out and obtain them. To learn some of the best Amazon review strategy techniques (including professional advice), keep reading. and what to do when unavoidably unfavorable reviews surface.



Five Ways to Get More Amazon Reviews

It can be difficult to increase your Amazon reviews, but there are steps you can take to make it easier. Amazon does permit the solicitation of reviews (read that again; it is still permitted). You simply have to abide by the rules, like with most things in life. You only run into problems when you don't.


Now that we've got that crucial reminder out of the way, let's look at some strategies for increasing your Amazon reviews.


Request a Review button on Amazon

By pressing the Amazon Request a Review option in Seller Central, you may ask customers for both product and seller reviews. It is now necessary for the marketplace to translate these communications into the buyer's choice language automatically. This major advantage makes it a compelling choice for sellers, as does the confidence that these requests will always be in accordance with the rules because they originate from Amazon.


Buyer-Seller Messaging on Amazon

The system for buyer-seller messaging on Amazon is another choice. You must enter into Seller Central, locate the order in issue, and send a request in the language that the buyer prefers to use in order to use this review option. Although these messages do allow for some modification, it is simple to unintentionally break Amazon's rules. Before sending, always double-check that you're abiding by the marketplace's rules.


Automated Requests for Reviews

It's not always going to be the most efficient use of your time to manually issue review requests through Seller Central. Fortunately, there is third-party software like eComEngine's FeedbackFive available to relieve you of this tiresome chore. You can quickly and efficiently automate your requests using Amazon's Buyer-Seller Messaging or Request Review processes with FeedbackFive. In addition to being able to deliver the appropriate message at the appropriate moment (more on that later! ), you will be able to keep track of the comments and ratings you receive and access thorough analytics about your emails in order to design more effective campaigns.


Items Inserts

This approach involves asking a customer to write a review on an insert card that was included with their purchase. It's straightforward and frequently surprisingly successful. But again, you must exercise extreme caution in this situation. The guidelines for this kind of client communication are generally followed by many sellers, although not always. Despite your belief, Amazon frequently learns the truth. It won't be fun to pay the price.


Program for Amazon Vine

The Amazon Vine initiative is one of Amazon's own strategies for requesting product reviews. The initiative asks Vine Voices or reputable Amazon reviewers to provide a frank evaluation of your product. Vine is a well-liked review platform that helps new items get more evaluations, but to use it, you have to be eligible and give out free products to reviewers. Although it may not be the greatest option for everyone, it can be useful for launching reviews.


When to Request a Review

As you can see, there are numerous ways to increase the number of Amazon reviews. It's not a one-size-fits-all issue, so your Amazon review approach should also include when to ask for reviews, in addition to how.


Requests for feedback and reviews must be made within 30 days of the completion of the order. However, if you ask for reviews too soon, the consumer might not have tried the product yet or could need more time to thoroughly understand and create an opinion about it. This can result in a review that says the product doesn't work when it actually works. The consumer might have forgotten about the item if you send a request too late, on the other hand.


When would the consumer see the most value in my product? is a question you should ask yourself before issuing any request for reviews.


Usually, we suggest the following:


·       For tiny, consumable products, 5-7 days following delivery.


·       For products that require more leisure time (like a weekend) to enjoy them, such as sports and outdoor items, 8–10 days following delivery.


·       For larger, more durable items or ones that take more time to acquire accustomed to, 14–21 days following delivery. Examples include clothing, electronics, and shoes, among others.


·       For goods whose actual advantages must be experienced over time, 30 days following delivery. When it comes to items like vitamins or supplements, which often recommend a 30-day supply, this is nearly always the case.


Seasonality must also be taken into account because items like Halloween costumes and other seasonal decor are only used at certain periods of the year.


You get another curveball during the fourth quarter gift-giving season. You should take into account the distinct customer purpose since many consumers order gifts online to be delivered to the recipient or given to them at the conclusion of the holiday season. We therefore strongly advise changing the timeframe of your review requests to 30 days following delivery once it is mid-November. As Christmas draws near, you can once more alter your time to just a few days following delivery to take advantage of those hurried holiday orders.


How to Handle Unfavorable Reviews

The harsh reality is that you could still get bad reviews even with a great review approach. But all of this is not negative news. Negative reviews are common and expected; they may help your product sound more real. A 5-star product with no negative reviews may appear extremely suspicious to customers and to Amazon.


In other words, while the occasional negative review is acceptable, you don't want this to become the pattern. It still pays to look into what's happening and respond when you can. Here are a few options available to you.



Analyze Amazon review data.

It sounds fancy, but all it entails is to put on your detective hat and investigate the source of the issue. Examine what was said in detail and search for recurring themes. Then, think of doing the following:


Improving Your Products: It could be time to talk with your supplier if you notice something that suggests a design error or a problem with the material quality. A new supplier or product redesign may be in the works if it is prevalent enough.


Have you updated your Amazon product detail page? Does your product listing mislead customers? Customers may use an item wrongly and leave negative reviews if the product details or instructions are too unclear or the visuals are deceptive.


Refining Your Shipping Procedures: Customers will frequently express their dissatisfaction in a product review if the wrong item is frequently supplied or your packaging is subpar. This often poses a bigger issue for vendors that handle their own order fulfillment. Immediately discuss a solution with your team.


Your own review comments or those of your competitors may also help you come up with new product ideas. Don't forget to evaluate the review's credibility as well. Don't discount this idea because fake Amazon reviews are still a significant issue. Report it immediately.


Reach out to customers after unfavorable reviews

In a post on the Brand Dashboard in Seller Central in June 2021, Amazon announced the availability of this capability. One of the many advantages for brand registered sellers is the new tool, which enables you to use Buyer-Seller Messaging to send pre-written, uneditable letters to customers who wrote negative (1-3 star) reviews.


There are two reasons you can send messages:


·       To provide a full refund as a courtesy or a replacement item

·       To address a concern with a product based on the review

Although more customization would be wonderful, this is undoubtedly a step in the right way after vendors' ability to comment on reviews was removed back in December 2020. This function is accessible from the Brands menu by selecting "Customer Reviews."


Adjust Your Amazon Review Strategy Right Now

The best thing you can do as an Amazon seller is to consistently work to obtain recent, accurate evaluations from delighted customers. This is what Amazon wants to see and is also the most efficient strategy to mitigate the consequences of bad reviews. But it doesn't end there; you should also constantly keep an eye on your reviews and make any necessary changes to your listings or products to avoid receiving future negative feedback.


It is obvious that it is essential to have a solid Amazon review strategy in place. Thousands of Amazon merchants have come to FeedbackFive for assistance for precisely this reason. The software's potent feedback and review automation can help you reach more customers, and the adaptable product review management systems make it incredibly simple to keep an eye out for fresh evaluations on your ASINs (or even those of your rivals!). Additionally, text and/or email alerts inform you when a rating is received so you can get in touch with the buyer or begin your own investigation.


Your business depends on you implementing a better review approach if you don't already have one.


An effective Amazon review plan combines a number of tactics designed to deliver excellent products and guarantee a positive customer experience. You may promote a constant stream of favorable reviews by adhering to Amazon's regulations and remaining devoted to customer pleasure. This will ultimately increase your product's visibility and sales on the platform. Keep in mind that it's a continual process, and success as an Amazon seller depends on continuous progress.

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