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"Boost Your Amazon Sales with These Top 10 Review Software Tools in 2023"

  Welcome to our blog, where we dive into the world of Amazon review software tools to help sellers increase their sales and grow their busi...

"Boost Your Amazon Sales with These Top 10 Review Software Tools in 2023"


Welcome to our blog, where we dive into the world of Amazon review software tools to help sellers increase their sales and grow their business on the world's largest online marketplace. In this article, we will explore the top 10 Amazon review software tools that are expected to make a significant impact in 2023.

As an Amazon seller, you know that reviews play a crucial role in building credibility and driving customer trust. Positive reviews can significantly boost your sales and help you stand out from the competition. However, managing reviews, optimizing listings, and staying on top of market trends can be a daunting task without the right tools.

That's where these review software tools come in. They offer a wide range of features and functionalities designed to streamline your Amazon selling journey. From product research and keyword optimization to competitor monitoring and review management, these tools are your secret weapons to increase sales and maximize your business potential.

In this blog post, we will take an in-depth look at each of these top 10 Amazon review software tools, exploring their key features, pricing plans, and how they can benefit your Amazon business. Whether you're a new seller looking to gain a competitive edge or an experienced seller aiming to enhance your sales strategy, these tools have something for everyone.

So, if you're ready to supercharge your Amazon sales in 2023 and beyond, let's dive into our comprehensive guide to the top 10 Amazon review software tools that can help you achieve your business goals. Let's get started!

Quick Guide:

  1. Jungle Scout: 
  2. Helium 10:
  3. AMZFinder:
  4. FeedbackWhiz:
  5. Viral Launch:
  6. AMZBase: 
  7. AMZ.One:
  8. Sellics:
  9. Scope by Seller Labs: 
  10. ZonGuru:
Final Thoughts:

1.Jungle Scout: 

Jungle Scout is an Amazon review software tool that provides a suite of features to help sellers find profitable products to sell on Amazon, optimize their listings, and track their sales performance.

 Here are some of the key features offered by Jungle Scout:

Product Research: Jungle Scout provides powerful product research tools that enable sellers to find profitable products to sell on Amazon. The tool provides data on product demand, competition analysis, and profitability analysis.

Keyword Research: Jungle Scout offers a suite of tools for conducting in-depth keyword research. This helps sellers to identify high-performing keywords that can be used to optimize their product listings and drive organic traffic to their Amazon listings.

Listing Optimization: Jungle Scout provides tools for optimizing product listings, including suggestions for improving titles, bullet points, descriptions, and backend keywords. This helps sellers to maximize the visibility of their products and increase their conversion rates.

Sales Analytics: Jungle Scout provides comprehensive sales analytics tools that enable sellers to track their sales performance, analyze trends, and identify opportunities for growth. This helps sellers to make informed decisions and optimize their business strategy.

Competitor Analysis: Jungle Scout provides comprehensive competitor analysis tools that enable sellers to gain valuable insights into their competitors' products, pricing strategies, and sales performance. This helps sellers to make strategic decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

Inventory Management: Jungle Scout offers a suite of tools for managing inventory, including forecasting and tracking tools. This helps sellers to optimize their inventory management and avoid stockouts.

Review Management: Jungle Scout provides tools for review monitoring and management, enabling sellers to track and respond to customer reviews effectively. The tool also offers features for managing and resolving negative feedback promptly, helping sellers to maintain a positive brand reputation and customer satisfaction.

Pricing: Jungle Scout offers several pricing plans to cater to the needs of sellers at different stages of their Amazon selling journey. The plans range from the Basic plan to the Elite plan, which offers access to all the features and tools of Jungle Scout.

 The pricing plans are as follows:

Basic Plan: Priced at $49 per month, this plan offers access to most of the essential features of Jungle Scout.
Suite Plan: Priced at $69 per month, this plan offers additional features such as keyword research and listing optimization tools.

Professional Plan: Priced at $129 per month, this plan offers advanced features such as sales analytics and inventory management tools.

Elite Plan: Priced at $199 per month, this plan offers access to all the features and tools of Jungle Scout, along with premium support and training.   

2.Helium 10:

Helium 10 is a comprehensive Amazon review software tool that offers a wide range of features to help sellers maximize their sales and optimize their Amazon business.

Here are some of the key features offered by Helium 10:

Product Research: Helium 10 provides powerful product research tools that enable sellers to find profitable products to sell on Amazon. The tool provides data on product demand, competition analysis, and profitability analysis.

Keyword Research: Helium 10 offers a suite of tools for conducting in-depth keyword research. This helps sellers to identify high-performing keywords that can be used to optimize their product listings and drive organic traffic to their Amazon listings.

Listing Optimization: Helium 10 provides tools for optimizing product listings, including suggestions for improving titles, bullet points, descriptions, and backend keywords. This helps sellers to maximize the visibility of their products and increase their conversion rates.

Competitor Analysis: Helium 10 provides comprehensive competitor analysis tools that enable sellers to gain valuable insights into their competitors' products, pricing strategies, and sales performance. This helps sellers to make strategic decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

Review Management: Helium 10 provides tools for review monitoring and management, enabling sellers to track and respond to customer reviews effectively. The tool also offers features for managing and resolving negative feedback promptly, helping sellers to maintain a positive brand reputation and customer satisfaction.

Inventory Management: Helium 10 offers a suite of tools for managing inventory, including forecasting and tracking tools. This helps sellers to optimize their inventory management and avoid stockouts.

Refund Management: Helium 10 provides tools for managing refunds and reimbursements from Amazon. This helps sellers to recover funds that may be owed to them due to Amazon errors or customer returns.

Marketing and Advertising: Helium 10 provides tools for creating and managing Amazon ads, including keyword research and optimization tools. This helps sellers to maximize the visibility of their products and drive more sales.

Pricing: Helium 10 offers several pricing plans to cater to the needs of sellers at different stages of their Amazon selling journey. The plans range from the free plan to the Elite plan, which offers access to all the features and tools of Helium 10.

The pricing plans are as follows:

Free Plan: Offers limited access to some of the tools and features of Helium 10.

A la Carte Plan: Allows sellers to choose and pay for specific tools and features.

Platinum Plan: Priced at $97 per month, this plan offers access to most of the tools and features of Helium 10.

Diamond Plan: Priced at $197 per month, this plan offers advanced features such as increased limits for product research and keyword research tools.

Elite Plan: Priced at $397 per month, this plan offers access to all the features and tools of Helium 10, along with premium support and training.


AMZFinder is an Amazon review software tool that specializes in helping sellers manage and solicit reviews, as well as handle negative feedback and address customer issues effectively.

Here are the key features offered by AMZFinder:

Review Management: AMZFinder provides tools to monitor, manage, and solicit product reviews on Amazon. It allows sellers to track reviews, filter them by rating or date, and receive notifications for new reviews. The tool also facilitates automated email campaigns to request reviews from customers, helping sellers boost their review ratings and overall product reputation.

Feedback Management: AMZFinder helps sellers handle customer feedback by providing a centralized platform to track and manage seller feedback. Sellers can monitor feedback, respond to customer inquiries or complaints promptly, and take necessary actions to resolve any issues. This helps maintain a positive seller reputation and customer satisfaction.

Negative Feedback Resolution: The software assists sellers in addressing negative feedback effectively. It provides notification alerts for new negative feedback, allowing sellers to quickly identify and resolve any customer concerns. By promptly addressing negative feedback, sellers can mitigate the impact on their reputation and improve customer relationships.

Email Automation: AMZFinder offers email automation features that enable sellers to set up personalized email campaigns to engage with customers. These campaigns can include requesting feedback or reviews, providing post-purchase support, or offering special promotions. Automating email communication helps sellers save time and maintain consistent customer engagement.

Analytics and Insights: AMZFinder provides analytics and insights into product reviews and seller feedback. Sellers can gain valuable data on review trends, customer satisfaction levels, and overall performance. This data helps sellers identify areas for improvement, track customer sentiment, and make data-driven decisions to enhance their Amazon selling strategy.

Pricing: AMZFinder offers different pricing plans based on the needs and scale of the sellers' business. 

The plans are as follows:

Basic Plan: Priced at $19.99 per month, this plan includes essential features such as review management, feedback management, and limited email automation capabilities.

Advanced Plan: Priced at $39.99 per month, this plan offers additional features including advanced email automation, customization options, and extended support.

Professional Plan: Priced at $79.99 per month, this plan provides advanced features, higher email sending limits, and priority support.

Enterprise Plan: Custom pricing is available for large-scale businesses with specific requirements. This plan offers tailored solutions and personalized support based on the seller's needs.

It's important to note that pricing and features may vary, so it's recommended to visit the AMZFinder website for the most up-to-date information on pricing plans and features included in each plan.


FeedbackWhiz is a robust Amazon review software tool that provides a comprehensive suite of features to help sellers effectively manage customer communication, feedback, and product reviews.

Here are the key features offered by FeedbackWhiz:

Order Management: FeedbackWhiz offers tools to manage and track orders, including order filtering, order search, and order status updates. This helps sellers stay organized and ensure timely fulfillment of customer orders.

Email Automation: The software enables sellers to automate and personalize email campaigns to engage with customers. Sellers can set up customized email sequences for order confirmations, delivery notifications, feedback requests, and review solicitations. This helps increase customer engagement and encourage positive feedback and reviews.

Feedback and Review Monitoring: FeedbackWhiz provides a centralized dashboard to monitor and analyze customer feedback and product reviews. Sellers can track feedback and reviews, receive instant notifications for new ones, and filter them based on various criteria. This allows sellers to promptly address customer concerns and manage their reputation effectively.

Review Management: FeedbackWhiz offers tools to manage and respond to product reviews on Amazon. Sellers can track review trends, analyze review data, and respond to reviews directly from the FeedbackWhiz platform. This helps sellers build brand credibility, address customer issues, and maintain a positive online presence.

Analytics and Insights: The software provides comprehensive analytics and insights on seller metrics, including sales, profits, refunds, and customer feedback. Sellers can generate reports, track performance trends, and gain actionable insights to optimize their Amazon business strategies.

Feedback and Review Automation: FeedbackWhiz enables sellers to automate feedback and review requests based on predefined triggers and templates. Sellers can schedule and send targeted messages to customers, improving their chances of receiving positive feedback and reviews.

Pricing: FeedbackWhiz offers several pricing plans tailored to the needs of different Amazon sellers. 

The plans are as follows:

Starter Plan: Priced at $19 per month, this plan includes essential features such as order management, email automation, and basic analytics.

Basic Plan: Priced at $39 per month, this plan offers additional features including feedback and review monitoring, advanced analytics, and reporting.

Professional Plan: Priced at $79 per month, this plan provides enhanced features such as product review management, feedback automation, and more advanced analytics capabilities.

Business Plan: Custom pricing is available for high-volume sellers with specific requirements. This plan offers tailored solutions, dedicated support, and additional features for large-scale businesses.

It's important to note that pricing and features may vary, so it's recommended to visit the FeedbackWhiz website for the most up-to-date information on pricing plans and features included in each plan.

5.Viral Launch:

Viral Launch is a comprehensive Amazon review software tool that equips sellers with a suite of powerful features for product research, market intelligence, and listing optimization. With these tools, sellers can make data-driven decisions, improve their product visibility, and drive sales growth while generating valuable reviews.

 Here are the key features offered by Viral Launch:

Product Research: Viral Launch provides advanced product research tools that enable sellers to find profitable products to sell on Amazon. The tool offers in-depth market analysis, including product demand, competition analysis, historical trends, and revenue estimates. This helps sellers identify high-potential products and make informed decisions about their Amazon product selection.

Market Intelligence: Viral Launch offers market intelligence tools that provide valuable insights into the Amazon marketplace. Sellers can access data on competitor analysis, market trends, and customer behavior to understand the dynamics of their niche. This helps sellers stay ahead of the competition, identify market gaps, and optimize their product strategies for maximum sales and review generation.

Listing Optimization: Viral Launch provides tools for optimizing product listings to increase visibility and conversion rates. Sellers can analyze and optimize their product titles, bullet points, descriptions, and backend keywords based on relevant keywords and market trends. This ensures that product listings are well-optimized for search algorithms and resonate with target customers, resulting in higher sales and increased chances of receiving reviews.

Review Generation: Viral Launch offers features and strategies to help sellers generate reviews for their products. This includes automated email campaigns to request reviews from customers, timing optimization to increase review response rates, and effective review solicitation methods. By leveraging these tools, sellers can proactively encourage positive reviews and improve their overall product rating.

Pricing: Viral Launch offers several pricing plans to cater to different sellers' needs and business sizes. 

The plans are as follows:

Beginner: Priced at $59 per month, this plan is designed for sellers who are just starting on Amazon and provides access to essential features for product research and market intelligence.

Pro: Priced at $99 per month, this plan offers expanded features, including advanced product research tools, market intelligence data, and listing optimization capabilities.

Brand Builder: Priced at $149 per month, this plan is designed for brand owners and offers additional features such as keyword research tools, listing analyzer, and access to exclusive market data.

Kinetic: Custom pricing is available for enterprise-level sellers with specific requirements. This plan provides tailored solutions, dedicated support, and advanced features for high-volume businesses.

It's important to note that pricing and features may vary, so it's recommended to visit the Viral Launch website for the most up-to-date information on pricing plans and features included in each plan.


AMZBase is an Amazon review software tool that aims to assist sellers in finding profitable products and analyzing various data points such as sales rank, pricing history, and review trends. 

Product Research: AMZBase likely offers tools for product research, allowing sellers to identify potentially profitable products to sell on Amazon. These tools may include features such as product database search, keyword analysis, and competition analysis.

Sales Rank Analysis: AMZBase may provide insights into sales rank data, which can help sellers gauge the popularity and demand for specific products. Understanding sales rank trends can assist sellers in making informed decisions about which products to source and sell.

Pricing History: The tool may offer pricing history data, allowing sellers to analyze price fluctuations over time. This data can help sellers understand market dynamics, identify pricing strategies employed by competitors, and optimize their own pricing to remain competitive.

Review Trends: AMZBase likely provides analysis of review trends, helping sellers monitor and understand customer feedback and sentiment. This feature can help sellers identify product improvement opportunities, address customer concerns, and enhance overall product quality and reputation.


AMZ.One is an Amazon review software tool that provides a range of features to assist sellers with keyword research, product tracking, and review management. 

Here is an overview of the features typically offered by AMZ.One:

Keyword Research: AMZ.One offers tools for conducting comprehensive keyword research. Sellers can discover relevant keywords, analyze search volumes, track keyword rankings, and optimize their product listings to improve visibility and organic search performance on Amazon.

Product Tracking: The software enables sellers to track and monitor their product performance on Amazon. Sellers can monitor sales, revenue, and other key metrics for their products, as well as track their product rankings in search results. This helps sellers assess the effectiveness of their marketing and optimization efforts.

Review Management: AMZ.One provides features for managing and monitoring customer reviews. Sellers can receive notifications for new reviews, respond to customer feedback, and track their review ratings and trends over time. This allows sellers to address customer concerns, maintain a positive brand reputation, and improve their product ratings.

Sales Analytics: The tool offers sales analytics features that provide insights into product performance, sales trends, and revenue. Sellers can access detailed reports and charts to understand their sales performance, identify growth opportunities, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their Amazon business.

Competitor Analysis: AMZ.One provides competitor analysis tools to help sellers gain insights into their competitors' products, pricing, and reviews. Sellers can track their competitors' performance metrics, analyze their strategies, and identify opportunities to differentiate and improve their own product offerings.

Pricing: AMZ.One offers different pricing plans to cater to the needs of sellers with varying business sizes and requirements. 

The pricing plans typically include:

Basic Plan: Priced at $19.99 per month, this plan offers essential features such as keyword research, basic product tracking, and limited review management capabilities.

Advanced Plan: Priced at $29.99 per month, this plan provides additional features including more advanced keyword research tools, enhanced product tracking, and expanded review management functionality.

Professional Plan: Priced at $39.99 per month, this plan offers comprehensive features such as advanced keyword research, in-depth product tracking, and advanced review management tools.


Sellics is a comprehensive Amazon review software tool that offers a range of features to assist sellers in optimizing keywords, monitoring competitors, and managing reviews to boost sales on the platform.

Here are the key features typically provided by Sellics:

Keyword Optimization: Sellics offers robust keyword research and optimization tools. Sellers can identify relevant keywords, analyze search volumes, track keyword rankings, and optimize their product listings to improve organic search visibility and drive more traffic to their listings.

Competitor Monitoring: The software enables sellers to monitor their competitors' performance on Amazon. Sellers can track their competitors' rankings, sales, and pricing strategies. This data helps sellers understand the competitive landscape, identify opportunities, and adjust their own strategies accordingly.

Review Management: Sellics provides features for monitoring and managing customer reviews. Sellers can track new reviews, receive alerts, and respond to customer feedback directly from the Sellics platform. This helps sellers stay on top of their reputation, address customer concerns, and maintain a positive brand image.

Sales Analytics: Sellics offers comprehensive sales analytics features that provide insights into product performance, sales trends, and revenue. Sellers can access real-time data on their sales, profit margins, and other key metrics. These analytics help sellers make data-driven decisions to optimize their Amazon business strategies.

Inventory Management: Sellics includes inventory management tools to help sellers efficiently manage their stock levels. Sellers can set up automated alerts for low inventory, track sales velocity, and forecast demand to avoid stockouts or overstocking.

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Optimization: Sellics provides tools for managing and optimizing Amazon PPC campaigns. Sellers can track their PPC performance, analyze campaign metrics, and make data-driven adjustments to maximize ad performance and improve return on investment (ROI).

Pricing: Sellics offers different pricing plans based on the needs and scale of sellers' businesses.

 The plans are as follows:

Sellics Seller Edition: Pricing starts at $67 per month. This plan includes features such as keyword research, product tracking, and review management.

Sellics Vendor Edition: Pricing is available upon request. This plan is tailored for larger brands and vendors, offering advanced features and capabilities.

Sellics also offers custom pricing for enterprise-level solutions and additional add-on features such as Amazon Advertising management.

9.Scope by Seller Labs: 

Scope by Seller Labs is an Amazon review software tool that provides various features to assist sellers in finding profitable products, optimizing listings, and tracking keyword rankings and competitor sales.

 Here are the key features typically offered by Scope:

Product Research: Scope offers product research tools to help sellers identify profitable product opportunities on Amazon. Sellers can analyze product demand, competition, and sales potential to make informed decisions about which products to source and sell.

Listing Optimization: The software includes features for optimizing product listings to improve visibility and conversion rates. Sellers can analyze and optimize their titles, bullet points, descriptions, and backend keywords based on relevant keywords and market trends. This helps sellers maximize their product's discoverability and appeal to potential customers.

Keyword Tracking: Scope enables sellers to track their keyword rankings on Amazon. Sellers can monitor how their products are performing in search results for specific keywords, allowing them to identify opportunities for optimization and track the effectiveness of their SEO efforts.

Competitor Sales Tracking: The tool provides features to monitor competitor sales performance on Amazon. Sellers can track their competitors' sales data, revenue estimates, and market share. This information helps sellers benchmark their own performance, identify market trends, and make strategic decisions to stay competitive.

Profit Analytics: Scope offers profit analytics features that provide insights into product profitability, costs, and margins. Sellers can track their sales, expenses, and profits on a per-product basis, enabling them to make informed decisions and optimize their pricing and profitability strategies.

Pricing: Scope by Seller Labs offers different pricing plans to accommodate sellers with varying needs and business sizes. 

The pricing plans typically include:

Starter Plan: Priced at $49 per month, this plan includes essential features such as product research, keyword tracking, and listing optimization.

Business Plan: Priced at $99 per month, this plan offers additional features including competitor sales tracking, profit analytics, and enhanced support.

Enterprise Plan: Custom pricing is available for high-volume sellers with specific requirements. This plan offers tailored solutions, advanced features, and dedicated support for large-scale businesses.


ZonGuru is an Amazon review software tool that provides a comprehensive suite of tools to assist sellers with various aspects of their Amazon business, including product research, keyword tracking, listing optimization, and sales analytics .

Here are the key features typically offered by ZonGuru:

Product Research: ZonGuru offers tools for product research, allowing sellers to find profitable product opportunities on Amazon. Sellers can access data on product demand, competition analysis, historical trends, and revenue estimates. This helps sellers identify high-potential products and make informed decisions about their product selection.

Keyword Tracking: The software includes keyword tracking features that enable sellers to monitor their keyword rankings on Amazon. Sellers can track their product's performance for specific keywords, identify optimization opportunities, and adjust their strategies to improve search visibility.

Listing Optimization: ZonGuru provides features for optimizing product listings to increase visibility and conversion rates. Sellers can analyze and optimize their titles, bullet points, descriptions, and backend keywords based on relevant keywords and market trends. This ensures that product listings are well-optimized for search algorithms and resonate with target customers.

Sales Analytics: ZonGuru offers sales analytics tools that provide insights into product performance, sales trends, and revenue. Sellers can access real-time data on sales, profit margins, and other key metrics. This helps sellers understand their business performance, identify growth opportunities, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their strategies.

Review Management: ZonGuru may provide features for managing and monitoring customer reviews. Sellers can track new reviews, receive alerts, and respond to customer feedback. This helps sellers maintain a positive brand reputation, address customer concerns, and improve their overall product ratings.

Pricing: ZonGuru offers different pricing plans to cater to the needs of sellers with varying business sizes. 

The pricing plans typically include:

Starters: Priced at $49 per month, this plan offers essential features including product research, keyword tracking, and listing optimization.

Business: Priced at $99 per month, this plan provides additional features such as competitor analysis, sales analytics, and enhanced support.

Suite: Priced at $199 per month, this plan offers a complete suite of advanced features, including access to additional marketplaces, PPC automation, and inventory management tools.

ZonGuru also offers custom pricing for enterprise-level solutions and tailored packages for high-volume sellers.

Final Thoughts:

In conclusion, leveraging the power of Amazon review software tools is crucial for sellers aiming to increase their sales and gain a competitive edge in the marketplace. The top 10 tools discussed in this blog have been carefully selected for their diverse range of features and functionalities that cater to the specific needs of Amazon sellers.

From Jungle Scout and Helium 10 for comprehensive product research and market intelligence, to AMZFinder and FeedbackWhiz for effective review management and customer communication, these tools offer valuable solutions to common challenges faced by Amazon sellers.

Additionally, Viral Launch and AMZ.One provide tools for product research, market trends, and listing optimization, while Sellics and Scope by Seller Labs offer a comprehensive suite of tools covering various aspects such as keyword tracking, competitor monitoring, and sales analytics.

Lastly, ZonGuru and AMZBase equip sellers with features like profitable product research, keyword tracking, and listing optimization, allowing them to stay ahead of the competition and drive sales growth.

By utilizing these Amazon review software tools, sellers can streamline their operations, make data-driven decisions, optimize their listings, and effectively manage their customer reviews. The result is an increased likelihood of attracting more customers, generating positive reviews, and ultimately driving higher sales on the Amazon platform.

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