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Recognizing the Amazon Account Health Rating for 2023

When you go into your Amazon account, one of the worst things that may happen is that your product has been withdrawn or your account has ...

Amazon Account Health Rating

When you go into your Amazon account, one of the worst things that may happen is that your product has been withdrawn or your account has been suspended.


The Account Health Rating (AHR) is a crucial measure for sellers to focus on when it comes to Amazon. This grade is determined by a number of variables, including as the seller's compliance with Amazon policies, order accuracy, and customer service.


In 2023, Amazon will further emphasize the importance of providing excellent customer experiences as it sharpens its focus in this area.


What you need to know about Amazon's account health rating in 2023 will be covered in detail in this comprehensive guide.

So let's get started!


Quick Guide

What is the AHR for an Amazon Account?

How to find the health rating of your Amazon account

How is the health rating of your Amazon account determined?

What has changed with the Amazon Account Health Rating

Who is permitted to use the new Amazon Account Health Rating function?

What measures measure the health of an Amazon account?

How to handle unhealthy Amazon AHR measurements

How can you raise the health rating of your Amazon account?

Account health assurance for Amazon - most recent update



What is the AHR for an Amazon Account?

Your Amazon account's health is tracked in Amazon Seller Central using a statistic called the Amazon Account Health Rating (AHR). This indicator can be used by sellers to get a broad picture of their account performance and track it over time.

Three major factors are used to rate your Amazon seller account:


1.   Rate of order defects


2.   Delivery Performance


3.   Rate of Pre-Fulfillment Cancellations


While a lower rating suggests that the seller may need to improve their performance in some areas, a higher grade denotes greater overall performance.


It is comforting that the majority of sellers have a "Healthy" rating. You are in a "At Risk" state and risk having your selling rights suspended if your AHR drops below that level. Sellers with "Unhealthy" ratings have probably already been deactivated or will do so shortly.


How to find the health rating of your Amazon account?

Follow these instructions to find your Amazon Account Health Rating:


1.   Visit your Amazon Seller Central profile.


2.   Navigate to the Performance menu.


3.   Go to Account Health.

How is the health rating of your Amazon account determined?

Based on a number between 1 and 1000, the Amazon Account Health Rating is determined. The metric score is calculated by taking into account a number of critical performance factors, including the rate of order defects, the percentage of on-time deliveries, the responsiveness of the customer service team, and seller feedback.

The better the score, the healthier the account is.


All of these elements are taken into consideration by Amazon when determining the account's overall health and allocating it a score between 1 and 1000.


What has changed with the Amazon Account Health Rating

Significant updates to Amazon's Account Health Rating (AHR) have been made, incorporating helpful suggestions from seasoned sellers who have relied on it. These adjustments are meant to give sellers a clearer picture of the state of their accounts and useful information they can use to raise their ratings.


Comprehensive analysis of the story

Instead of only providing a list of violations, the Account Health Rating provides a comprehensive evaluation of a seller's status as being at danger of suspension. This rating provides a brief summary of the seller's overall performance.

Policies Broken

The new rating system also accounts for listing violations and policy violations, which might include things like fake or illegal items. As a result, Amazon is better able to recognize accounts that have a history of breaking policies.


Specialized account health professionals

To help consumers with their account health, Amazon also hired specialists in dedicated account health. Customers can get advice from this team of experts on how to improve their accounts, understand their account health rating, and handle any policy breaches or other problems.


Who is permitted to use the new Amazon Account Health Rating function?

Although you might anticipate further adjustments over the course of 2023, merchants in the US and Canada can see the Amazon Account Health Rating. Beginning in 2023, sellers from all over the world will have access to this measure.


What measures measure the health of an Amazon account?

Your Amazon Account Health Rating is broken down into three primary parts in your Seller Central account under Account Health.


Customer service abilities

Order Defect Rate (ODR) is a crucial measure that can be found under Customer Service Performance. The Order Defect Rate is the proportion of customers who are unhappy with your service. It is among the most important factors in determining a seller's account health rating.


You may figure it out by dividing the total number of orders within the same time period by the number of orders that have been returned, canceled, or had a customer support issue.


A seller's account health rating may be drastically lowered if they have a high order defect rate of more than 1%.


Policy observance

By ensuring they comply with all Amazon policies, Amazon Policy Compliance assists sellers in maintaining their Amazon Account Health Rating. This entails abiding by the rules and limitations on product listing, shipping and fulfillment, customer care, price and promotions, and other policies that are relevant. Sellers may guarantee their account health rating stays in good standing and that they can continue selling on Amazon by following Amazon's standards.


Shipment efficiency

When determining a seller's account health rating, the late shipping rate is also taken into account. This is calculated by dividing the total number of orders within a given time period by the number of orders that were shipped or delivered late.


Amazon sets a predetermined range of LSR since late shipment rates might have an impact on both sellers and Amazon. An LSR of 4% or less indicates a sound account. A seller's account health rating may suffer if they frequently ship late.


How to handle unhealthy Amazon AHR measurements?

Your seller account may be suspended or terminated if your Amazon Account Health Rating metrics are unfavorable. You won't be able to use Amazon to access your account, list products, or carry on business as usual as a result. Your products won't be available for purchase by your clients, and you won't be able to complete open orders.

If you don't match the criteria for Amazon Account Health, Amazon will additionally request a Plan of Action (POA) from you to fix any problems within 48 hours. Amazon won't suspend your account if your POA demonstrates that you comprehend the issue and the steps you'll take to fix it.


Additionally, you need to analyze your performance and pinpoint the underlying causes of any problems. You can take the necessary actions to enhance your account health and eventually pass the metrics by addressing the underlying issues.


How can you raise the health rating of your Amazon account?

Let's talk about how to maintain or raise your Amazon account health ratings now that you are familiar with their ins and outs.

Represent your goods truthfully.

A genuine and thorough description of your goods, appropriately reflecting its features, attributes, and conditions, is the only way to guarantee that you are accurately representing your product. Building trust with your consumers and avoiding problems like returns, bad reviews, or account penalties on e-commerce sites like Amazon are both made possible by this technique.


Quickly respond to consumers

Customers usually value prompt responses, and Amazon considers this when calculating your rating. This entails replying to questions and grievances within a day, or sooner if possible. Additionally, make sure that your comments are knowledgeable and professional. Make careful to respond to client questions and complaints as soon as you can.


Additionally, you ought to make an effort to lower the quantity of returns, refunds, and chargebacks you get. Making sure that clients are happy with their purchases will help you achieve this.


Deliver goods on schedule.

Your Amazon Account Health Rating would undoubtedly increase if you shipped things on schedule. This entails making sure that your products are delivered inside the window of time that the client has specified. You may be penalized by Amazon and receive a lower Rating if orders are not shipped on time.

You need a dependable shipping procedure and an effective inventory management system in place to guarantee on-time shipping. 


Promote high-quality goods

You can improve your Amazon Account Health Rating by selling high-quality goods. Customers demand the finest quality in the things they buy, and if that expectation is not met, their satisfaction will suffer. So, before putting your products on Amazon, you must guarantee that they are of the greatest caliber.

 Learn about Amazon's rules.

A number of Amazon regulations are in place to safeguard customers and provide a safe and secure purchasing experience. These regulations cover a wide range of subjects, including product reviews and payment processing. When using your Amazon account, you should be aware of these restrictions and take them into account.


Account health assurance for Amazon - most recent update

Account Health Assurance, a new benefit for Amazon's sellers, is now available. It ensures that if users cooperate with Amazon for 72 hours to find a solution to any problems, their accounts won't be terminated. If a seller's account appears to be having issues, an Amazon representative will get in touch with them to assist with their recovery. Sellers who have Account Health Assurance can rest easy knowing that their company is secure with Amazon. Sellers in the United States and Canada can currently take advantage of this perk.



In conclusion, Amazon's Account Health Rating is a critical component for sellers to maintain market competitiveness. Sellers should be aware of the elements that influence their account health rating and take steps to raise it.


Understanding the elements that influence their account health rating and taking action to raise it should be made easier for sellers by this guidance. Sellers can increase their sales and profits on the Amazon marketplace by having a better understanding of the Account Health Rating.

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