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How many tools does Helium 10 have and Which tool is better Helium 10 or Jungle Scout?

  Amazon has become a highly competitive marketplace, with millions of sellers vying for the attention of customers. To succeed in this envi...

Helium 10 tool


Amazon has become a highly competitive marketplace, with millions of sellers vying for the attention of customers. To succeed in this environment, sellers need access to powerful tools that can help them with product research, keyword research, listing optimization, and other essential tasks.

 Helium 10 and Jungle Scout are two of the most popular and effective tools for Amazon sellers. Helium 10 is a suite of software tools that are designed to help sellers find profitable products, optimize their listings, and manage their business more efficiently. On the other hand, Jungle Scout is an all-in-one platform that offers similar features to Helium 10, along with additional features such as a product database, supplier database, and launch tools.

 In this blog, we will focus on Helium 10, specifically the number of tools it offers and compare it with Jungle Scout to help you make an informed decision on which tool is better suited for your Amazon business.

Quick Guide

I. Helium 10 Tools

  • Black Box for product research
  • Xray for product analysis
  • Cerebro for keyword research
  • Magnet for keyword generation
  • Frankenstein for listing optimization
  • Scribbles for listing creation
  • Alerts for monitoring hijackers
  • Follow-Up for customer feedback

II. Short overview of Jungle Scout Tools

III. Helium 10 vs Jungle Scout

IV. Conclusion

Helium 10

Helium 10

Helium 10 is an all-in-one suite of powerful software tools designed for Amazon sellers. It provides a wide range of features and functionalities to help sellers research, optimize, and manage their Amazon businesses more effectively.

Helium 10 offers a range of tools to help Amazon sellers with tasks such as product research, keyword research, competitor analysis, listing optimization, inventory management, and more.
Some of the key tools within Helium 10 include:

I. Helium 10 Tools

  • Black Box for product research

Helium 10's Black Box software is a powerful tool for Amazon product research. It provides advanced filters and parameters to help sellers discover profitable product opportunities and niches in just a few seconds.

Using Helium 10 Black Box, sellers can search for products based on specific criteria such as product category, price range, sales rank, monthly revenue, and more. This tool also allows you to refine your search by excluding products that do not match your criteria.

Helium 10 Black Box returns a comprehensive list of products that meet your search criteria, along with detailed data such as estimated monthly sales, revenue, and number of reviews. You can also use the software to analyze competition, track product trends, and evaluate demand for various products.

Overall, Helium 10 Black Box is a powerful tool for Amazon sellers who want to find profitable product opportunities and niches quickly and easily. It saves sellers time and effort by automating the product research process, allowing them to focus on other important aspects of their business, such as marketing and sales.

  • Xray for product analysis

Helium 10's Xray Amazon product research tool is designed to help sellers analyze and evaluate product data in real-time. With Xray, Amazon sellers can quickly assess the profitability and viability of products on the platform by accessing a range of key metrics and insights.

Xray provides sellers with detailed product data, such as estimated monthly sales, revenue, reviews, and ratings. The tool also includes data on product variations, competition, and sales history. This information can help sellers evaluate the demand for a product, its profitability potential, and the level of competition they might face.

Helium 10 Xray's Chrome extension allows sellers to access product data directly from Amazon search results pages, making it easy to evaluate multiple products quickly. Additionally, the Xray Chrome extension offers features such as product tracking and historical sales data, enabling sellers to monitor products over time and track changes in demand and competition.

Overall, the Helium 10 Xray Chrome extension is a powerful tool for Amazon sellers who want to evaluate the viability and profitability of products quickly and easily. With its comprehensive product data and real-time insights, the Xray extension can help sellers make informed decisions and identify profitable opportunities on the Amazon platform.

  • Cerebro for keyword research

Cerebro is a reverse ASIN lookup tool offered by Helium 10, designed to help Amazon sellers analyze their competitors' products and optimize their own product listings. With Cerebro, sellers can enter an ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) and receive data on the keywords and search terms associated with that product.

Cerebro provides detailed data on the keywords and phrases that drive traffic to a particular product, including search volume, estimated search volume, and a keyword's relevance score. This information can help sellers optimize their product listings by identifying high-performing keywords and phrases, and incorporating them into their own product titles, bullet points, and descriptions.

Cerebro also includes a competition analysis feature, allowing sellers to assess the competition for specific keywords and phrases. The tool provides data on the number of competing products, their sales volume, and their review ratings. This information can help sellers identify opportunities to improve their own product listings and stand out from the competition.

Overall, Cerebro is a powerful tool for Amazon sellers who want to optimize their product listings and stay ahead of the competition. With its comprehensive keyword data and competition analysis features, Cerebro can help sellers improve their search visibility and increase their sales on the Amazon platform.

  • Magnet for keyword generation

Magnet is a keyword research tool offered by Helium 10, designed to help Amazon sellers identify relevant and high-performing keywords for their product listings. With Magnet, sellers can enter a seed keyword and receive a list of related keywords and phrases, along with data on their search volume, relevancy score, and competing products.

Magnet provides sellers with a wide range of keyword data, including broad and exact match search volume, competing products, and trends over time. This information can help sellers identify high-performing keywords and phrases, optimize their product listings, and increase their search visibility on the Amazon platform.

Magnet also includes a filter and sort function, allowing sellers to narrow down their keyword research results by specific criteria such as search volume, relevancy score, and competition level. This feature can help sellers prioritize their keyword research and focus on the keywords that are most relevant and valuable for their products.

Overall, Magnet tool is a powerful tool for Amazon sellers who want to optimize their product listings and increase their search visibility on the platform. With its comprehensive keyword data and filtering features, Magnet can help sellers identify high-performing keywords and phrases, and incorporate them into their product titles, bullet points, and descriptions.

  • Frankenstein for listing optimization

Frankenstein is a tool offered by Helium 10, designed to help Amazon sellers optimize their backend search terms. With Frankenstein, sellers can enter a list of keywords and phrases and receive a curated list of relevant and high-performing keywords for their product listings.

Frankenstein provides sellers with a range of keyword data, including search volume, relevancy score, and competition level. The tool uses advanced algorithms to analyze and group similar keywords and phrases, allowing sellers to easily identify and incorporate relevant keywords into their backend search terms.

Frankenstein also includes a filter and sort function, allowing sellers to narrow down their keyword research results by specific criteria such as search volume and relevancy score. This feature can help sellers prioritize their keyword research and focus on the most valuable and relevant keywords for their products.

Overall, Frankenstein is a powerful tool for Amazon sellers who want to optimize their backend search terms and increase their search visibility on the platform. With its advanced algorithms and filtering features, Frankenstein can help sellers identify and incorporate relevant and high-performing keywords into their backend search terms, ultimately leading to increased search visibility and sales.

  • Scribbles for listing creation

Scribbles is a tool offered by Helium 10, designed to help Amazon sellers optimize their product listings by ensuring they include all the necessary and relevant keywords. With Scribbles, sellers can easily identify and incorporate relevant keywords into their product titles, bullet points, and descriptions.

Scribbles provides sellers with a checklist of essential and recommended keywords for their product listings, based on their category and subcategory on Amazon. The tool also includes a real-time score feature, allowing sellers to see how well their product listing incorporates relevant keywords and where they can improve.

Scribbles also includes a filter and sort function, allowing sellers to prioritize and organize their keyword research results by specific criteria such as search volume and relevancy score. This feature can help sellers focus on the most valuable and relevant keywords for their products.

Overall, Scribbles is a powerful tool for Amazon sellers who want to optimize their product listings and increase their search visibility on the platform. With its comprehensive keyword checklist and real-time score feature, Scribbles can help sellers ensure they are incorporating all the necessary and relevant keywords into their product listings, ultimately leading to increased search visibility and sales.

  • Alerts for monitoring hijackers

Alerts is a tool offered by Helium 10, designed to help Amazon sellers monitor their product listings and stay informed of important events and changes. With Alerts, sellers can set up customized alerts for a range of events, such as changes in product reviews, keyword rankings, and Buy Box ownership.

Alerts allows sellers to set up and receive notifications via email or SMS when specific events occur. For example, sellers can set up an alert to notify them when a product receives a new review, when a keyword ranking changes significantly, or when their product loses the Buy Box to a competitor.

Alerts also includes a dashboard feature, allowing sellers to view and track all their alerts in one place. This feature can help sellers stay organized and quickly identify important changes or trends in their product listings.

Overall, Alerts is a powerful tool for Amazon sellers who want to stay informed of important events and changes in their product listings. With its customized alerts and dashboard feature, Alerts can help sellers stay on top of their listings and respond quickly to important events, ultimately leading to increased sales and profitability.

  • Follow-Up for customer feedback

Follow-Up is a tool offered by Helium 10, designed to help Amazon sellers manage and automate their customer communication and feedback requests. With Follow-Up, sellers can create and schedule customized email campaigns to engage with customers and request feedback and reviews.

Follow-Up includes a drag-and-drop email editor, allowing sellers to easily create customized email templates for their campaigns. The tool also includes a range of pre-built templates and a library of professionally written email content to help sellers get started.

Follow-Up allows sellers to automate their email campaigns, scheduling emails to be sent at specific times based on triggers such as order delivery or shipment confirmation. The tool also includes features such as A/B testing and personalized message tokens, enabling sellers to optimize their email campaigns and increase their chances of receiving feedback and reviews from customers.

Overall, Follow-Up is a powerful tool for Amazon sellers who want to manage and automate their customer communication and feedback requests. With its customizable email templates and automated scheduling features, Follow-Up can help sellers save time and increase their chances of receiving valuable feedback and reviews from customers, ultimately leading to increased sales and profitability.

II. Short overview of Jungle Scout Tools

Jungle Scout offers a variety of tools to assist Amazon sellers in discovering profitable product opportunities, reliable suppliers, and high-traffic keywords. With the Product Database and Supplier Database, sellers can filter through millions of products to find potential opportunities and trustworthy suppliers. Jungle Scout's Launch tools provide a listing builder, keyword research, product promotions, and a sales dashboard to help sellers launch and promote their products effectively.

The Keyword Scout and Listing Optimizer tools enable sellers to find high-traffic, low-competition keywords and optimize their listings for Amazon's search algorithms. Jungle Scout's Sales Analytics tool allows sellers to track their sales performance, monitor their competition, and make informed decisions about their business based on insights into sales trends, market share, and keyword rankings. With its comprehensive suite of tools, Jungle Scout aims to equip Amazon sellers with the data and insights they need to succeed on the platform.

III. Helium 10 vs Jungle Scout

Both Helium 10 and Jungle Scout are popular and powerful tools for Amazon sellers, and the choice between them ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences.

Helium 10 offers a suite of tools that cover a wide range of functions, including product research, listing optimization, keyword research, and more. The tools are integrated with each other, making it easy to move between them and analyze data in different ways. Helium 10 also offers features such as alerts and follow-up automation, allowing sellers to stay informed and engaged with customers.

On the other hand, Jungle Scout offers similar features to Helium 10 but also provides some additional features such as a product database, supplier database, and launch tools. Jungle Scout also offers a Chrome extension for product research and a mobile app for on-the-go product research.

Ultimately, it is important to evaluate your needs and budget and try out both tools to see which one suits you best. Both Helium 10 and Jungle Scout offer free trials and demos, so you can test them out before making a final decision.


In conclusion, both Helium 10 and Jungle Scout are powerful tools for Amazon sellers that offer a range of features to help sellers succeed on the platform. Helium 10 has a suite of software tools that cover various functions, while Jungle Scout provides an all-in-one platform with additional features like product and supplier databases. When deciding which tool is better for your business, it's important to evaluate your specific needs, budget, and test out the tools with their free trials and demos. 
Ultimately, the choice between Helium 10 and Jungle Scout comes down to personal preference, and both tools can significantly enhance your Amazon selling experience.

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