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"15 Top Product Research Tools to Develop Successful Products in 2023"

  Welcome to our blog on "15 Top Product Research Tools to Develop Successful Products in 2023"! As the ecommerce industry continu...


"15 Top Product Research Tools to Develop Successful Products in 2023"

Welcome to our blog on "15 Top Product Research Tools to Develop Successful Products in 2023"!

As the ecommerce industry continues to grow and evolve, it's more important than ever for businesses to have access to powerful product research tools that can help them stay ahead of the competition. In this blog, we'll be taking a closer look at 15 of the top product research tools available in 2023, and exploring how they can be used to develop successful products and grow your business.

Whether you're an established ecommerce seller or just getting started, these tools can provide valuable insights into consumer trends, competitor activity, and product performance, helping you make data-driven decisions that can drive growth and success in the year ahead. So without further ado, let's dive in and explore the top product research tools of 2023!

How To do product research:

Product research is the process of gathering information and data about a product or market to make informed decisions about product development, marketing, and sales strategies.

 Here are some steps you can take to do effective product research:

Identify your target audience: Determine the characteristics and needs of your target audience, such as age, gender, interests, and pain points. This will help you understand what products are most likely to resonate with them.

Identify potential products: Brainstorm product ideas based on your target audience's needs and preferences. Consider existing products in the market that address similar needs and identify areas where your product can differentiate.

Conduct market research: Gather data on market size, competition, and consumer behavior using tools like Google Keyword Planner, Google Trends, and social media analytics. This will help you understand the demand for your product and how it compares to other products in the market.

Evaluate product viability: Determine if your product is feasible to produce and sell by evaluating factors such as manufacturing costs, pricing, and potential revenue. This will help you determine if your product is financially viable and if it has the potential to be profitable.

Gather feedback: Get feedback from your target audience and potential customers by conducting surveys, focus groups, or user testing. This will help you understand their preferences, pain points, and feedback on your product.

Iterate and refine: Use the insights gathered from market research and customer feedback to refine your product idea and make necessary adjustments. This will help ensure that your product meets the needs and preferences of your target audience.

Launch and monitor: Launch your product and monitor its performance using metrics such as sales, customer reviews, and social media engagement. This will help you evaluate the success of your product and make adjustments as necessary.

By following these steps, you can do effective product research that will help you develop and market a successful product.

Why You Need to Use Product Research Tools:

Product research tools can be incredibly helpful for businesses and individuals looking to develop and market successful products. 

Here are some reasons why you should consider using product research tools:

Identify market trends: Product research tools can help you identify trends in the market and understand what products are currently in demand. By keeping up with these trends, you can develop products that are more likely to be successful and profitable.

Evaluate competition: Product research tools can help you evaluate your competition and understand how they are positioning themselves in the market. This information can help you identify gaps in the market and develop products that stand out from the competition.

Gather data and insights: Product research tools can help you gather data and insights on consumer behavior, preferences, and pain points. This information can be used to inform product development and marketing strategies, ensuring that your products meet the needs and preferences of your target audience.

Save time and money: Product research tools can help you streamline your research process and save time and money by automating tasks like keyword research, competitor analysis, and data gathering.

Improve product quality: By using product research tools, you can identify areas for improvement in your product and make necessary adjustments. This can help ensure that your product is high-quality and meets the needs of your target audience.

Read More: Best Amazon Product Research Tools : 

15 Best Product Research Tools:

  1. Google Keyword Planner:
  2. Google Trends:
  3. SEMRush: 
  4. Ahrefs:
  5. Moz Pro:
  6. SimilarWeb:
  7. BuzzSumo:
  8. Jungle Scout:
  9. Helium 10:
  10. BigCommerce:
  11. Shopify:
  12. WooCommerce:
  13. Facebook Ads Library: 
  14. Twitter Advanced Search: 
  15. Reddit:

Google Keyword Planner:

Google Keyword Planner is an essential keyword planner tool that allows users to conduct free keyword research. As a Google Ads product, the keyword planner tool provides insights on keyword search volume, competition, and estimated cost-per-click (CPC) to find new and relevant keywords for advertising campaigns.

To access the keyword planner tool, you need a Google Ads account. Once logged in, click on the "Tools & Settings" tab and select "Keyword Planner" under the "Planning" section.

The tool has two main features: "Discover new keywords" and "Get search volume and forecasts." With "Discover new keywords," enter a word or phrase related to your business, and the tool generates a list of related keywords, including search volume, competition, and suggested bid. With "Get search volume and forecasts," enter a list of keywords and get insights on their monthly search volume, competition level, and estimated cost-per-click.

Google Keyword Planner is an effective tool for improving SEO and running Google Ads campaigns. It identifies relevant keywords to target and provides insights into keyword competitiveness to develop successful advertising strategies. Plus, it's free, making it an accessible keywordplanner for all users.

Google Trends:

Google Trends is a powerful and free tool provided by Google that allows you to explore the popularity of search terms and topics over time and by geographic location. Whether you're a marketer, SEO specialist, or just curious about trending searches, Google Trends can provide insights into search behavior and help you identify opportunities for your business or website in 2022.

Using Google Trends, you can easily filter your search by location, time period, category, and type of search to generate a graph that shows the interest over time for your search term, as well as related topics and queries that are currently trending. This information can be used to identify trends and seasonality in search behavior, time your advertising campaigns to take advantage of periods of high search volume, and even identify related search queries to target in your content.

Moreover, Google Trends can help you monitor brand mentions and sentiment, track the popularity of news stories and events, and stay up-to-date on the latest trending topics. Whether you're a business owner, marketer, or simply curious about what people are searching for, Google Trends is a must-have tool for staying on top of the latest search trends and insights in 2022.


SEMrush is a popular paid online marketing tool that offers competitive intelligence, keyword research, and analytics for digital marketers. It's equipped with several useful features, including the ability to conduct keyword research, site audit and backlink analysis, and competitive analysis.
 SEMrush's keyword research feature provides users with a list of related keywords, their search volume, competition level, and estimated CPC. The site audit and backlink analysis tools help identify technical SEO issues and opportunities for improvement. 
The competitive analysis feature helps users analyze their competitors' websites, backlink profiles, and advertising strategies. SEMrush also offers social media tracking and content marketing analysis. Overall, SEMrush provides valuable data and insights to help digital marketers and SEO professionals optimize their online presence and stay ahead of their competitors.


One of the popular paid SEO tools is Ahrefs, which is used by SEO professionals and digital marketers to enhance their website's visibility and search engine rankings. Ahrefs offers a variety of features, such as backlink analysis, website analysis, and keyword research.
Ahrefs Site Explorer tool enables you to examine any website's backlink profile by providing you with the number of backlinks directing towards that site, in addition to the domain and page authority of those backlinks. This feature assists in recognizing high-quality backlink opportunities and refining your link building strategy.
Ahrefs Keyword Explorer tool is another noteworthy feature that allows you to identify new keyword opportunities, analyze the competition level, and search volume of particular keywords. This tool can also track your target keywords' ranking over time, providing you with information on any fluctuations in search engine rankings for your website.
Ahrefs' Site Audit tool is a helpful feature that scans your website for common technical SEO issues, such as page speed, broken links, and duplicate content. The tool then provides you with recommendations to enhance your website's overall performance.
In summary, Ahrefs is an efficient SEO tool that provides a variety of features to improve your website's SEO performance. Its keyword research and backlink analysis tools are especially useful in optimizing your content for search engines and identifying quality link building opportunities.

Moz Pro:

Moz Pro is a comprehensive SEO tool that offers a variety of features, including website analysis, keyword research, link building tools, and more. It's available through paid subscriptions and is a popular choice among digital marketers and SEO professionals.

Moz Pro's Site Crawl tool is a standout feature, allowing you to identify technical SEO issues on your website. By crawling your site, you can quickly identify problems such as broken links, missing meta tags, duplicate content, and more. The tool also provides recommendations to improve your site's overall performance.

Keyword Explorer is another essential tool that helps you find new keyword opportunities and analyze search volume and competition levels for specific keywords. You can also track the ranking of your target keywords over time and monitor changes in search engine rankings for your site.

Moz Pro's Link Explorer tool is also helpful, enabling you to analyze your website's backlink profile and track your link building efforts. With this tool, you can see the number of backlinks pointing to your website, along with the domain authority and page authority of those backlinks. This information can help you identify high-quality backlink opportunities for your website and improve your link building strategy.

Overall, Moz Pro is a powerful SEO tool that can help improve your website's SEO performance. Its Site Crawl, Keyword Explorer, and Link Explorer tools are particularly useful in identifying technical SEO issues, optimizing your content for search engines, and improving your link building strategy. Moz Pro offers a free trial, and pricing plans are available depending on the features and usage requirements of your business.


SimilarWeb is a paid competitive intelligence tool that provides website analysis, market research, and audience insights. It is widely used by digital marketers and business analysts to understand their competitors' online strategies and identify new opportunities for growth.

One of the key features of SimilarWeb is its Website Traffic Analysis tool, which allows you to analyze any website and see its traffic sources, audience demographics, and engagement metrics. You can also see the top referring websites and social media channels that are driving traffic to the website, as well as the most popular pages on the website.

SimilarWeb also offers a Market Intelligence tool, which allows you to see the market share of different websites and industries. With this tool, you can see how your website compares to your competitors in terms of traffic, engagement, and market share.

Another useful feature of SimilarWeb is its Audience Analysis tool, which allows you to see the demographics and interests of your website's audience. With this tool, you can see the age, gender, location, and interests of your website's visitors, as well as the websites they visit before and after visiting your website.

Overall, SimilarWeb is a powerful competitive intelligence tool that provides a wealth of data and insights to help you understand your competitors' online strategies and identify new opportunities for growth. Its Website Traffic Analysis, Market Intelligence, and Audience Analysis tools are particularly useful for improving your website's performance and staying ahead of your competitors. Moreover, SimilarWeb offers a Chrome extension and a Pro version with more features, and its pricing varies depending on the subscription plan chosen.


BuzzSumo is a comprehensive suite of content research and social media monitoring tools. Its paid plans offer a range of features including Content Analyzer, Question Analyzer, and Influencer Search. These tools help digital marketers, content creators, and social media managers to understand what type of content performs best in their industry, and to identify new content opportunities.

One of the key features of BuzzSumo is the Content Analyzer tool, which enables you to search for the most popular content across different platforms based on specific keywords, topics, or domains. BuzzSumo offers both paid plans and a limited free version of this tool, making it accessible to all users. With the paid plans, you get access to additional features such as backlink analysis and competitor analysis.

The Question Analyzer tool is another useful feature of BuzzSumo. It allows you to search for the most popular questions related to specific topics or keywords, so you can create content that provides answers to those questions. This tool is particularly helpful in identifying long-tail keywords that your target audience is searching for.

BuzzSumo's Influencer Search tool allows you to find influencers in your industry based on specific keywords or topics. With this tool, you can see the social media profiles and contact information of influencers, as well as their audience demographics and engagement metrics. This can help you build relationships with influencers and improve your content promotion strategy.

Jungle Scout:

Jungle Scout is a paid product research tool that helps Amazon sellers find profitable products to sell on the Amazon marketplace. It offers a range of features and tools for product research, keyword research, and competition analysis.

One of the key features of Jungle Scout is its Product Database tool, which allows you to search for profitable products based on specific criteria such as category, price range, sales volume, and competition level. With this tool, you can see the sales data and historical trends for different products, as well as the number of reviews and ratings for each product.

Jungle Scout also offers a Keyword Scout tool, which allows you to find profitable keywords for your Amazon listings. With this tool, you can see the search volume, competition level, and estimated sales for different keywords, as well as the keywords that your competitors are using.

Another useful feature of Jungle Scout is its Listing Builder tool, which allows you to create optimized Amazon listings for your products. With this tool, you can see the most important product features to include in your listing, as well as the keywords and phrases that will help your listing rank higher in Amazon search results.

Jungle Scout offers different pricing plans to suit different needs and budgets, and sometimes offers discounts for their plans. Overall, Jungle Scout is a powerful tool for Amazon sellers who want to find profitable products and optimize their Amazon listings for maximum visibility and sales. Its Product Database, Keyword Scout, and Listing Builder tools are particularly useful for identifying profitable products, finding the right keywords to optimize your listings, and staying ahead of your competitors.

Helium 10:

Helium 10 is a suite of paid Amazon seller tools designed to help optimize product listings, research profitable keywords, and track sales and profits. It offers a wide range of features for product research, keyword research, and competitor analysis.

One of the key features of Helium 10 is its Product Research tool, which allows you to search for profitable products on the Amazon marketplace based on specific criteria such as sales volume, revenue, and competition level. With Helium 10's Product Research tool, you can see the sales data and historical trends for different products, as well as the number of reviews and ratings for each product.

Another useful feature of Helium 10 is its Keyword Research tool, which allows you to find profitable keywords for your Amazon listings. With this tool, you can see the search volume, competition level, and estimated sales for different keywords, as well as the keywords that your competitors are using.

Additionally, Helium 10 provides a powerful suite of tools for competitor analysis, including a tool for analyzing your competitors' product listings, pricing, and reviews. The Listing Optimization tool allows you to create optimized Amazon listings for your products. With this tool, you can see the most important product features to include in your listing, as well as the keywords and phrases that will help your listing rank higher in Amazon search results.

Helium 10's Black Box tool is also popular among Amazon sellers as it allows you to find profitable products based on product criteria such as price, weight, and rating.

Overall, Helium 10 is a powerful suite of tools for Amazon sellers who are looking to optimize their product listings, find profitable keywords, and track their sales and profits. Its Product Research, Keyword Research, and Listing Optimization tools are particularly useful for identifying profitable products, finding the right keywords to optimize your listings, and staying ahead of your competitors.


BigCommerce is a paid ecommerce platform that enables businesses to create and manage online stores. It offers a wide range of features and tools for online store management, including product management, order fulfillment, payment processing, and shipping.

One of the key features of BigCommerce is its product management tool, which allows businesses to create and manage product listings for their online store. With this tool, businesses can add product descriptions, images, pricing, and inventory information for each product, as well as manage product categories and variations.

BigCommerce also provides a range of payment processing options, including integrations with major payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe. Businesses can also set up custom payment methods and payment plans for their customers.

Another useful feature of BigCommerce is its shipping management tool, which allows businesses to manage shipping rates and fulfillment options for their online store. With this tool, businesses can set up shipping rules based on weight, destination, and shipping method, as well as print shipping labels and track shipments.

Overall, BigCommerce is a powerful ecommerce platform that provides businesses with the tools they need to create and manage successful online stores. Its product management, payment processing, and shipping management tools are particularly useful for businesses looking to sell products online and streamline their ecommerce operations.


Shopify is a paid ecommerce platform that allows businesses to create and manage online stores. It offers a wide range of features and tools for online store management, including product management, order fulfillment, payment processing, and shipping.

One of the key features of Shopify is its product management tool, which allows businesses to create and manage product listings for their online store. With this tool, businesses can add product descriptions, images, pricing, and inventory information for each product, as well as manage product categories and variations.

Shopify also offers a range of payment processing options, including integrations with major payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe. Businesses can also set up custom payment methods and payment plans for their customers.

Another useful feature of Shopify is its shipping management tool, which allows businesses to manage shipping rates and fulfillment options for their online store. With this tool, businesses can set up shipping rules based on weight, destination, and shipping method, as well as print shipping labels and track shipments.

In addition to these features, Shopify also offers a range of marketing and analytics tools to help businesses drive traffic to their online store and track their sales and performance.

Overall, Shopify is a powerful ecommerce platform that provides businesses with the tools they need to create and manage successful online stores. Its product management, payment processing, and shipping management tools are particularly useful for businesses looking to sell products online and streamline their ecommerce operations, while its marketing and analytics tools can help businesses drive traffic and optimize their online store for maximum sales and profits.


WooCommerce is a free ecommerce plugin for WordPress websites that allows businesses to create and manage online stores. It offers a wide range of features and tools for online store management, including product management, order fulfillment, payment processing, and shipping.

One of the key features of WooCommerce is its product management tool, which allows businesses to create and manage product listings for their online store. With this tool, businesses can add product descriptions, images, pricing, and inventory information for each product, as well as manage product categories and variations.

WooCommerce also offers a range of payment processing options, including integrations with major payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe. Businesses can also set up custom payment methods and payment plans for their customers.

Another useful feature of WooCommerce is its shipping management tool, which allows businesses to manage shipping rates and fulfillment options for their online store. With this tool, businesses can set up shipping rules based on weight, destination, and shipping method, as well as print shipping labels and track shipments.

In addition to these features, WooCommerce also offers a wide range of extensions and integrations that allow businesses to add new features and functionality to their online store, such as email marketing, social media integration, and inventory management.

Overall, WooCommerce is a powerful ecommerce plugin that provides businesses with the tools they need to create and manage successful online stores. Its product management, payment processing, and shipping management tools are particularly useful for businesses looking to sell products online and streamline their ecommerce operations, while its extensive library of extensions and integrations make it easy to customize and enhance the functionality of your online store.

Facebook Ads Library: 

The Facebook Ads Library is a free tool provided by Facebook that allows users to search and view all ads that are currently running on Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger. This tool is designed to increase transparency and help users understand the advertising strategies of businesses, organizations, and political campaigns.

The Facebook Ads Library allows users to search for ads by keyword, advertiser, or specific page, as well as filter results by country, ad type, and other parameters. Users can view the ad creative, copy, and targeting information for each ad, as well as information about the advertiser and their spending history.

The Facebook Ads Library can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as competitive research, ad benchmarking, and tracking political advertising spending. It can also be helpful for businesses and marketers looking for inspiration for their own ad campaigns, as they can see what types of ads are working well for their competitors and other businesses in their industry.

Overall, the Facebook Ads Library is a valuable tool for anyone looking to gain insights into Facebook advertising and better understand the strategies and tactics used by businesses and organizations on the platform.

Twitter Advanced Search: 

Twitter Advanced Search is a free tool provided by Twitter that allows users to perform highly targeted searches for tweets on the platform. With this tool, users can specify a wide range of search parameters, including keywords, phrases, hashtags, dates, and location, to help them find tweets that meet specific criteria.

The Twitter Advanced Search tool is designed to help users find relevant content on the platform, whether for research, marketing, or personal use. For example, businesses can use the tool to search for tweets about their brand, competitors, or industry, and identify opportunities for engagement or outreach. Journalists and researchers can use the tool to find tweets related to a particular topic, event, or location, and gather insights or data for their work.

The Twitter Advanced Search tool is highly customizable, allowing users to specify a wide range of search parameters to help them find the tweets they need. 
Some of the search parameters that can be specified include:

Keywords and phrases: Users can search for tweets containing specific keywords, phrases, or hashtags.

Date range: Users can search for tweets posted within a specific date range, from the last hour to the last year.

Location: Users can search for tweets posted from a specific location, such as a city or country.

Language: Users can search for tweets posted in a specific language.
Overall, the Twitter Advanced Search tool is a powerful tool for anyone looking to perform targeted searches for tweets on the platform. Its flexibility and customization options make it a valuable tool for businesses, journalists, researchers, and anyone else looking to find relevant content on Twitter.


Reddit is a social media platform where users can submit content, such as links, text posts, and images, and engage in discussions with other users. The platform is divided into thousands of subreddits, which are topic-based communities focused on specific interests or themes, such as news, technology, gaming, and more.

One of the key features of Reddit is its upvoting and downvoting system, where users can vote on the content and comments they like or dislike. This system helps to surface the most popular and relevant content on the platform and makes it easy for users to discover new communities and topics of interest.

Reddit can be a valuable tool for businesses and marketers looking to engage with audiences and build their brand. By participating in relevant subreddits and sharing valuable content, businesses can build trust and credibility with users and drive traffic to their website or social media profiles.

Some of the ways businesses can use Reddit include:

Participating in relevant subreddits: Businesses can find subreddits that are relevant to their industry or niche and participate in discussions or share relevant content. This can help to build brand awareness and establish the business as a thought leader in their industry.

Running ads on Reddit: Businesses can run targeted ads on Reddit to reach specific audiences based on interests, demographics, and location. This can be a cost-effective way to drive traffic and generate leads.

Conducting market research: Reddit can be a valuable source of information and insights for businesses looking to conduct market research or gather feedback from customers or prospects.

Overall, Reddit can be a powerful tool for businesses and marketers looking to engage with audiences and build their brand. By participating in relevant subreddits, running targeted ads, and gathering insights and feedback, businesses can leverage the platform to drive traffic and generate leads.

Pros of using product research tools:

Using product research tools can offer many benefits for businesses and individuals who are looking to develop and market successful products.
 Here are some pros of using product research tools:

Saves time and resources: Product research tools can help streamline the research process, saving businesses and individuals time and resources. By automating tasks like keyword research, competitor analysis, and data gathering, these tools can help speed up the product development process.

Provides insights and data: Product research tools can provide valuable insights and data on consumer behavior, preferences, and pain points. This information can be used to inform product development and marketing strategies, ensuring that the final product meets the needs of the target audience.

Helps identify market trends: By analyzing data and trends in the market, product research tools can help businesses and individuals identify emerging trends and gaps in the market. This information can be used to develop products that stand out from the competition and meet the needs of the target audience.

Evaluates competition: Product research tools can help businesses and individuals evaluate the competition and understand how they are positioning themselves in the market. This information can be used to identify areas for improvement and develop products that stand out from the competition.

Increases product quality: By providing insights and data on consumer behavior and preferences, product research tools can help businesses and individuals develop high-quality products that meet the needs of the target audience.

Cons of using product research tools:

While there are many benefits to using product research tools, there are also some potential drawbacks and limitations to consider.
 Here are some cons of using product research tools:

Cost: Some product research tools can be expensive, particularly for smaller businesses or individuals with limited budgets. It's important to consider the cost of these tools and whether the benefits they provide outweigh the expense.

Complexity: Some product research tools can be complex and difficult to use, particularly for individuals who are new to product research. It may require some time and effort to learn how to use these tools effectively.

Limitations: Product research tools can be limited by the data they provide and the algorithms they use. It's important to understand the limitations of each tool and supplement the data with other sources of information.

Over-reliance: Relying too heavily on product research tools can result in a lack of creativity and innovation. It's important to use these tools as a supplement to human intuition and creativity, rather than relying solely on data and algorithms.

Inaccuracies: Product research tools can sometimes provide inaccurate or incomplete data, particularly if the data is based on incomplete or biased sources. It's important to verify the accuracy of the data provided by these tools and supplement it with other sources of information.

Final thoughts:

Product research tools can be incredibly helpful for businesses and individuals looking to develop and market successful products. They can provide valuable insights and data on consumer behavior, preferences, and pain points, as well as help identify emerging trends and gaps in the market. However, it's important to understand the limitations and drawbacks of these tools and use them as a supplement to human intuition and creativity, rather than relying solely on data and algorithms.

When using product research tools, it's important to choose the right tool for the job, understand the limitations of each tool, and supplement the data with other sources of information. By using these tools effectively, businesses and individuals can make informed decisions and develop high-quality products that meet the needs of the target audience.

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